Hammouri Group

About Us

  • By adminJCS
  • May 9, 2024
  • 0 Comment

About Us

Welcome to Hammouri Group! With roots dating back to 1930, we are one of the most successful retail operators in Palestine. Our journey began as a family-owned business, and over the years, we’ve grown into a leading company that brings the world’s best brands to the local market. Here’s what you need to know about us:

HG in Focus

Hammouri Group Retail is part of the wider group of businesses owned by the Hammouri Group, a family-owned business which was founded in 1930 in Palestine an Jordan and which has earned a reputation for building partnerships based on trust, integrity and mutual benefit.

Our History

Hammouri Group Retail is part of the wider group of businesses owned by the Hammouri Group, a family-owned business which was founded in 1930 in Palestine an Jordan and which has earned a reputation for building partnerships based on trust, integrity and mutual benefit.
Foresight, energy and a passion to be the best drive us to explore new opportunities and to build strong and effective business partnerships built on trust, integrity and mutual benefit.