Hammouri Group

Our Customers

Our Customers

We know that our customers have a choice about where to shop, so great customer service is at the heart of our business, and we aim to deliver a great customer experience in every store, cafe and restaurant every day of the year.

If you think we can improve or enhance our services we want to hear from you. For a chance to be entered into a prize draw to win an Hammouri Group  Card to the value of 100NIS, you can complete our customer survey which you will find in the Your Opinion Counts section. This is an opportunity to tell us more about your satisfaction with a recent shopping or dining experience. Customers can also register for news about special offers from our brands, You can also give us your instant feedback and comment by contacting our Customer Contact Centre.

Customer Contact Center

At Hammouri Group we constantly strive to improve our service to customers. If you have any comments, suggestions or concerns, please call our Contact Center on one of the numbers below or you can simply email us at customerservice@hammourigroup.com.

Register For Offers

From updates about new collections, to information about new stores or special events, we want to keep our customers up to date with all the great activities happening across our stores.

If you would like to be sent information about new products and services you can subscribe to our customer mailing list. By completing this form we can help keep you up to date and inform you about up and coming promotional events at your chosen brands.