Hammouri Group


  • By adminJCS
  • May 9, 2024
  • 0 Comment


Project Description

A cultural, touristic, commercial and investment landmark with a common
vision between the Ramallah municipality and investors, this project
provides the following:

  • Squares, gardens and safe shopping with all the necessary services.
  • The historical Hamra Palace will be provided as a public facility for the
  • municipality of Ramallah to present the history and heritage of the city. EXPOshowroomsforguestsandresidents of the city.
  • Shops, restaurants, offices, medical centers, cinema, children’s areas,and
  • apartments.
  • 300parking spaces for public transportation.
  • 500carparking spaces

Project Goals

  • Developing the city center and creating a modern image befitting the surroundings of the headquarters of the State of Palestine.
  • Providing secured shopping spaces for the city’s residents and visitors.
  • Encouraging tourism and creating a unique opportunity to get to know Palestine.
  • The project investment exceeds 200 million dollars, in return investments of 400 million dollars will be attracted from inside and outside of Palestine.
  • Creating thousands of job opportunities and supporting many national industries during construction and when operating the project.

Social Contribution

  • Developing the necessary infrastructure around the project, including sidewalks, additional streets, sewage networks and electrical transformers, which contributes to raising the infrastructure capacity in the city center.
  • Establishing a public transportation center with 300 parking spaces in an area of 12,000 squared meters.
  • Car parking floors with a capacity of 1,600 parking spaces in an area of 65,000 squared meters to solve the parking issue in the city center.
  • Providing the historic Hamra Palace as a public facility for the Municipality of Ramallah.
  • Adhering to international safety and disability standards.


  • IZDEHAR Palestine Company London, United Kingdom.
  • Power Plant “Electricity Station” Tarqomia Hebron 72000m2.
  • Animal Feed Plant Factory Tarqomia Hebron 45000m2.
  • Al Ziatona University Salfeet 144000M2.
  • Hebron Center Hebron 80000M2.
  • City Mall Ramallah 27000m2.
  • SamaMall Hebron 40000m2.
  • Several retails e.g “LC Waikiki” West Bank & Gaza.

Completed Stages

  • All the required approvals and licenses have been issued by the Municipality of Ramallah and other involved ministries.
  • A traffic study for the project area was completed by specialized consultants and experts, and it was approved by the Ramallah Municipality and the Ministry of Transportation.
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